The more things change ...

As we say goodbye to 2015, I'm also saying goodbye to my studio in Kirkland. The signs came down today and the doors will close on Dec 31st. It's been a great space to work and shoot in over the last few years and was a central location to operate from. I appreciate family, clients and friends who supported me. Thank you to all of you!

As a photographer and a designer, I made some decisions and changes that included working as a designer first again, and photographer, second. I'll still be shooting some corporate events and also doing portrait work by special request.

As a designer, I provide project and product design collateral for company marketing and communication campaigns. I've been working as designer for over seventeen years and I'm happy to continue my work with a small group of creatives that provide consulting, writing and design assistance to local and global companies.

There will be some changes to my website over the next few months to reflect the changes in my business and my latest work.

Merry Christmas, happy holidays and may your 2016 be a great one!

Help raise funds for a new picnic shelter at Waverly Beach Park


I don't normally post items like this, but this is a community supported effort and is a good way to give back to the community your work or live in.

The Kirkland Parks Foundation (‘KPF’) is collaborating with the Rotary Club of Kirkland and the City of Kirkland to raise funds for a new picnic shelter at Waverly Beach Park. The newly formed KPF has a goal of raising $50,000 of the total $150,000 project cost with the help of the community.

The funding is due to be completed by June of 2015 and then the project will be put out to bid. The construction is scheduled to begin fall of 2015 with a targeted completion date of the spring of 2016.

Kirkland currently has four picnic shelters throughout the community and they are utilized extensively for community enhancing events such as family barbeques, neighborhood picnics, etc. The addition of a picnic shelter at Waverly Beach Park would bring the total picnic shelters to five and it would be only the second one with beach access. These facilities are free for the public’s use or can be reserved in advance for a reasonable fee.

To learn more about this project and the new Kirkland Parks Foundation, visit the KPF website - or call 425-298-4046.

Get on the contact list for the Kirkland Parks Foundation.

Make a donation to the Waverly Beach Picnic shelter. KPF was established in 2014 as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization so all donations are tax-deductible.

Taking Great Photographs


A friend asked me the other day, "How do I take great photographs?" She wasn't speaking of taking the photos herself, but being on the receiving end of great photos. She had worked with other photographers with mixed results and had asked all of them the same question and didn't receive a good answer, and in some cases, an "I don't know". Wow!

Part of getting great photos is the experience. You will get great photos from us, but you won't be thinking about that as we go through your session. In fact, you may at some point get so immersed in our shoot that you may forget about it altogether.

We also provide helpful direction in our shoots. I mentioned some of the things to my friend that are helpful, even crucial, to getting great shots (connection, expressions, angles, lighting, environment, etc.). Since we are all individuals in our looks, personality and build, we tailor our direction to each individual which provides the best photos of YOU. Most clients aren't trained models, but you may feel and look like one by the time were finished. We have fun, share a few stories and leave with you some great memories...and photographs.

Stop by and visit our studio to find out more or give us a call. There's a never a consulting fee and we'd love to chat about what we can create for you.

Happy New Year - 2014

Thank you to all our wonderful clients for making 2013 and our Kirkland studio opening a great success. We are excited for all the great opportunities in 2014 and having you in our studio or at your favorite location for photographs.

Make this the year to get professional photos and celebrate the relationships in your life.

Studio vs. On Location

As a photographer, I'm often asked which is better — photos in the studio or at a preferred client location?

There isn't a right or wrong choice and it ultimately comes down to your preference in location and setting.

Our Kirkland studio is centrally located, easy to get to and supports all types of portraits. Sometimes a studio shoot isn't ideal or even reunions, property-centric photos, client needs and other variables make shooting at the your favorite location a better choice. We support either and we'll happily bring our studio to you.

There are a few things to consider when deciding: 

  • Weather—In the Seattle area, it rains a wee bit, even after July 5th, and may put a damper on your best intentions to shoot outdoors. We do have a portable shelter that can cover multiple models and keep everyone dry if the weather forecast turns completely soggy on your big day.
  •  Environment—There can be many obstacles for photographs at your favorite location. There might be others who share your fondness for a place which turns out to have large crowds or other impediments that require consideration. The time of day can also affect how things turn out - transportation, traffic, temperature and other factors that can play a role in getting the perfect shots.
  •  Control—One advantage to shooting in a studio is that it never rains inside, we provide our own "sunlight" and it's always the perfect temperature!

There are other factors that are both in and out of our control, but our number one goal is making sure you come away with photos you love. We are flexible and can also reschedule your photos on a day that works out better for everyone.

Stop by or contact us for a free consultation to go over how we can create something special for you.